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RK103 Evo help


This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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Hey All,


I've been out the airsoft game for a couple years now, looking to get back into it. I have a RK103 EVO ( see attachment ). I'm looking to get some attachments for it, looking for some inspiration! Also what battery should i be using and a cheapish charger? Really just looking for some help as i have no idea what i'm looking for anymore haha


Thanks in advanced!




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Welcome back 🖐


Not many attachments needed (or will fit on there)  A torch is about it.


As for batteries and charger do a search as they've been discussed a few times.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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