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Will the Nuprol Bocca Series 3 Fit on My Specna Sa-e07?

big donny

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The series 3 requires a Delta Ring to fit. I don't believe they come with one out of the box.




Delta Rings are on older style M4s, and the 'real steel' Series 3 rail (the Daniel Defense Omega) was intended as a retrofit for older guns with those old style fore ends.


It definitely is NOT any kind of upgrade for your gun, at very best it would be described a side-grade (I see it as a downgrade personally), and will add a good chunk of weight onto your gun in the wrong places.


If you don't like your particular rail, I would suggest taking a look at AliExpress. Much cheaper, and largely the same gear that Nuprol sells (Nuprol only re-brands cheapo chinese kit and adds a huge mark-up).


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