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Tm Mws M4a1 Magazine Feed Lip


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I dropped my TM M4A1 magazine and broke the feed lip, I've been trying to find a new replacement lip online, but they are out of stock every where, only sites they are in stock are on U.S ones and am from UK, and the postage charge costs triple the amount of the feed lip itself, can anyone help me out where I can get a replacement please..




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Sorry bud...just looked @ impulse101 (Apparantly they're the go to guys for spares.) but they're out of stock as well...


Posted the link, maybe worth checking every now and again and ordering some spares once they get some instock. (I'd imagine they would get spares before most other retailers, seeing as they're in Japan too.)



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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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