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Price Check on Tokyo Marui Mp5 Kurz A4?

Compulsive Reload
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This isn't the High Cycle version is it? Is it all stock? Have you used it recently? ie it's all working as it should and no parts missing?


If yes to the above and it's this one, it's about £180 delivered new - 




So that's a second-hand price of £110 plus a little bit on top for the stock and mags if someone wants them, so around £130 including Paypal fees and postage.

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30 minutes ago, Cr0-Magnon said:

This isn't the High Cycle version is it? Is it all stock? Have you used it recently? ie it's all working as it should and no parts missing?


If yes to the above and it's this one, it's about £180 delivered new - 




So that's a second-hand price of £110 plus a little bit on top for the stock and mags if someone wants them, so around £130 including Paypal fees and postage.

I see, thanks for the advice!

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