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Tm226 Leaky Mag

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New to having a GBB, three of the four mags I have (bought it on the classifieds) fill, load, and feed really well (all WE). The TM mag that I presume is the one it was issued with seems to be leaking. When I fill it for 10-15 seconds it doesn’t seem to be taking any gas, and any longer than that just starts spraying out of the feed end (not quickly, I had to leave it to hiss away for about 10 minutes). It also doesn’t feed after the 10-15 second fill. 

Is this reparable/worth bothering with (considering I have other mags and if I ever need a fourth I’ll just get another WE for £20)?

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I mean feed as in the part that feeds the pistol (as opposed to where you fill the mag). 

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That'll be from the knocker/release valve then. You'll want to tighten that up somewhat, bit harder than just using a screw driver on the fill valve as the actual knocker will be in the way. Best bet is to buy a valve key or fashion one yourself. A pistol one is especially handy as they fit mostly every valve going.

As soon as you have one, give it a tighten (though don't go crazy, you don't want to shear anything off). The other option is to remove the valve entirely and check the o-rings, they might need an oil/grease up or replacing.

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