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Cyber Gun Colt M4 Keymod?

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20 minutes ago, W1XY97 said:

Anybody had any experience with this particular Gun or brand? Would it be a good purchase or is there better Out there for relatively the same price?


I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole TBH.


It's over-priced for what it actually is, and CYMA (the OEM for the gun) make better models - cheaper.


Cybergun are twats, and you are paying a premium for shittily-implemented Colt trademarks.


Personally for a similar price, I would be looking for Cyma Platinum series or Specna ONE series (not Edge - they are shit), possibly discounted ICS offerings, ASG Proline Armalite M15 (made by Lonex) or even A&K full metal jobbies.







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