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M11a1 GBB Upgrade

George Bates
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I'm looking to try to improve my mac11a1 GBB smg. It's a Little ripper but I have found on my last game day the magazines tend to jam as the space in the magazine is too wide and the bbs tend to run alongside each other and jam in the magazine so the spring doesn't feed it. Is there any way to rectify this? I'm using the magazines straight out the box. 


Most importantly, I'm looking to gain a bit of range. Is the M11a1 able to be taken apart and new hopup and barrel to be fitted? Is there anything else I can do to upgrade the gun? 


Any help would be appreciated. I'm in Bristol if anyone in the area can help. 

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Sorry to say there really isn't a lot of support for this gun other than externals. it's getting on to being a 20 year old design and it's fundamentally a short range spray and pray. if you want range, accuracy and reliability you want a newer smg.

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