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St M4 - Finding and Installing an Ambidextrous Fire Selector

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I recently bought a S&T M4 SLANT CUT KEYMOD 13" GAS BLOWBACK, like the attached. I'm left handed so am looking at making the safety ambidextrous, but I am having trouble actually finding a replacement. It has a horizontal spring/detent in the lower receiver itself, rather than one going up vertically through the grip, and I am really struggling to find something that will actually fit. I will confess I have very little knowledge, this it the first airsoft gun I've owned. I tried searching the forum and elsewhere, but didnt come up with anything, no doubt because this is not a very popular model. 


If I can't find one, I am considering just buying a selector and finding some super-strong metal glue and putting it on the blank side, but that would obviously be sub-par. 


Does anyone have any thoughts? 



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Glueing a selector on the other side will also make it impossible to take it out. Can you post a pic of the selector ( out of the gun) so we can see the shape of the 'inners' 


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If all else fails, you could get a real ambi selector and get your existing one drilled , tapped and slotted to fit it.

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