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Co2 Magazines Light Striking

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I did a search of the forum, and couldn't find what I was looking for, so I thought I'd ask the Airsoft Hive mind.


I have several Glocks - 3 of which I've modified to work with CO2 magazines. One of the Glocks has a funny imbalance between the recoil spring and hammer spring meaning it runs perfectly on CO2, but not on Green gas... but that's a different story.


Anyway, I have 5 WE CO2 mags. 3 work absolutely flawlessly on all 3 pistols.


2 of them seem to light strike on all 3 pistols. The fact that they light strike of 3 different configurations, leads me to believe that the mag is at fault.

I've been pressing the valves and they feel quite difficult to depress and they stick - they don't bounce back instantly. 

So, I guess my question - Does anyone recommend any fixes to solve this sticky and resistant valve?


My gut feeling was to buy new CO2 valves (in the pictures, these have a green seal, mine have red seal). But I'm wondering if there's a maintenance trick I can do to fix the valve?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have been surprised no one has answered this. 


Remove the problem valves, fill a pot with enough silicone oil to cover them and leave them overnight. This will usually restore sticking or leaking valves. 


Worst case, go buy a couple more valves, it'll be 15 quid but a lot cheaper than two new mags. 



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