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Chiappa Rhino 50ds

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Chiappa Rhino 50ds


FPS: 320-330 probably higher in the summer but not tested yet.


Hop up: Yes. Easily adjusted with the small spanner supplied with the gun. The hop seems to click into six pre set positions leaving no chance of finer adjustments.


Mag Capacity: Similar to the Dan Wesson revolvers with six removable shells.


Plastic/Metal/Both: Mostly metal with plastic pistol grip.


Loving the general concept of the Chiappa Rhino with the six o'clock barrel and sunken hammer. The gun is solid with exception of the rattle of the shells in the cylinder. The pistol grip contains the CO2 with a hex key built in the removable part of the shell.

Shooting wise the range is consistant but the trigger up is quite heavy even when cocked. There is quite a lot weight in the top of the frame making targeting one handed a bit of a chore. Only real let down is the lever for the cylinder release which seems quite exposed and flimsy which could over time leading to it been snapped off.

All in all its a fun gun with very little against it.


Overall rating:






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