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Topic Finished

Guest Apa7638
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  • 3 months later...

I had this exact issue 

My first gun and first game, spent most of trying to unjam my mags and make it feed 

I returned the high caps and have gone to mid caps, yet to try them but spoke to a few at my local sights and what they all recommended 

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Feeding issues seem to be a problem with MP5 hicaps. I've got 2 MP5s and  probably half a dozen hi caps and they all miss feed . I think its to do with the size limitation of the winding system and feed spring in such a small mag. I tend to use the 'double mag' hicaps ( think mine are Cyma) and i have absolutly no issues with those at all.

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  • 3 months later...
  • Guest changed the title to Topic Finished


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