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Amt Hard Baller

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So after thinking I was about to get a Western Arms AMT Hard Baller ridiculously cheap after looking for so long the seller ghosted me. So I began the search again and came across a 7 year old you tube video series from La Zouche Customs  on how to build a long slide Hard Baller. So two TM  MEU slides barrels and Trigger bought fro Eire Airsoft,  a TM Nickel Series 70 is on the way from Fire Support. glues and filler putty on the way and Still need a few Hi Capa parts but this stage was make or beak so stage 1. front end cut of 1 slide, used a micro hand drill to to put several holes that line up in the front an rear of each slide then used two drill bits as dowels. looks like it will work. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

barrel sleeved and glued in place. Still waiting on materials and parts. also can't bring my self to strip the donor Nickle series 70 need to find a ratty 1911a1



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  • 2 weeks later...

Bit the bullet and stripped the Nickle Series 70 i got as a base gun so i have a functioning long slide. Still got to fix the rear sight in place and construct the ridge that runs along the top of the slide. but getting there and i have started modifying the trigger i need some small files.





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