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We Glock Eu18

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Hi, I need some help as my gun has stopped working after I dropped it.


I have taken it apart per the manual and checked that there are no broken bits and can't find any issues.


The slide pulls back as before but is a bit notchy.


Is there someone that can help or is it destined for the shop to be repaired.

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Hi pal, sorry that you’re having issues, can you send a few high res pictures of the inside of the pistol from different angles. Also send a couple with the slide attached, just want to see how it sits. 




I’m thinking that the nozzle spring may be damaged/stuck thus catching when the slide is pulled to the rear 

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Your knocker lock looks damaged, it should be raised, certainly when the hammer is locked down


You don’t show the bbu in the slide, it’s more likely that is damaged, particularly as it’s a G18

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  On 14/04/2020 at 21:24, rocketdogbert said:

You’re knocker lock looks damaged, it should be raised, certainly when the hammer is locked down


You don’t show the bbu in the slide, it’s more likely that is damaged, particularly as it’s a G18


Sorry rocketdogbert, I am new to this.


Is the knocker lock the small catch on the left side of the hammer assembly?


Is this the photo you mean?



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  On 14/04/2020 at 21:35, stubarber said:

Is the knocker lock the small catch on the left side of the hammer assembly?


Yup, does it spring up when you lock the hammer down?


BBU is at the rear of the slide, does it look like there’s excessive wear?

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  On 14/04/2020 at 21:58, stubarber said:

No the lock metal bit only goes up and down if I turn it upside down.


The bbu seems ok to me.

I just taken it out and it missing the spring underneath it, would this stop it from firing?


It MIGHT. Put the spring back. Normally it run-away fires without the knocker lock, so you may have just lost the spring whilst re-assembling




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