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Legal Shooting

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Hello, newbie here.


I am aware that on private property, as long as I own it or have permission from the owner, I can shoot airsoft guns without trouble from a legal standpoint as long as I don't endanger others. I was wondering if the same applied for public spaces such as woods or similar places.


Thank you

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23 minutes ago, Fluffy_Goth said:

Hello, newbie here.


I am aware that on private property, as long as I own it or have permission from the owner, I can shoot airsoft guns without trouble from a legal standpoint as long as I don't endanger others. I was wondering if the same applied for public spaces such as woods or similar places.


Thank you

No - they are public

You would be committing an offence just by possessing in public without good reason 

Good reasons would be transporting to Or Fromm an airsoft site, shop etc


In a private place you are legal for reasons you mentioned plus that nothing goes beyond the boundary.

You also should avoid being reported- so you should ideally be out of sight of anyone who doesn’t know what you are doing 

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1 minute ago, Tommikka said:

No - they are public

You would be committing an offence just by possessing in public without good reason 

Good reasons would be transporting to Or Fromm an airsoft site, shop etc


In a private place you are legal for reasons you mentioned plus that nothing goes beyond the boundary.

You also should avoid being reported- so you should ideally be out of sight of anyone who doesn’t know what you are doing 

Thank you for the info. I assumed this was the case, now I know for sure.


Thanks again

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