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CM16 Raider L Suppressor recommendation

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Hey guy I just got my gun today, the CM16 Raider L and would like to achieve something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPl0x5PmaTg&list=PLTkYlJ0giXAMXsLIePsDyoFMEZ2LQmvWb&index=2&t=0s

I'm in the uk and its gonna be almost the price of the gun to get the parts shipped. If anyone could tell me of a good site to get the parts he used in that video in the UK or EU that would be great. They are available from the US on https://www.airsoftmaster.com/.

I also seen this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N16VINj8lWU&t=141s

This appears to be discontinued from what I can tell, if anyone know of somewhere I could get a similar product from that would be amazing. I'm wanting the visual effect of a short barrel With a silencer.

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