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Earmor M32H adapters

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I recently bought the earmor M32H hearing protection and was supposed to come with an arc rail adapter for attaching to helmets in the image it shown a 20mm rail so I assumed it would be correct. It came with a weird sorta mount I have no idea what it is.


I then went to the earmor website and bought an arc rail adapter one again shown as a 20mm rail adapter in the image however this is not the case. Could someone please explain?


I received this (image 1)




But should of received this (image 2)





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Had the same issue as you, asked in this thread: 




Got pointed to these: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-FMA-Hunting-Airsoft-FARA-OTH-Adapter-Suspension-Headset-Support-/222980642937


Attached to rail with no problems now.

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