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[T-N.T.] T-N.T. upgraded Y&P / STTI MK23

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Review of the T-N.T. upgraded MK23 NBB pistol.


The MK23 review in video (EN) :




MK23 T-N.T. based on STTI / Y&P


FPS: 265 - 300 fps with 0.20 g bb's, depending from the gas used.

Hop up: GBB standard & adjustable.

Mag Capacity : 25 bb's.

Full ABS.


My opinion and overall comments:
On the aesthetic side, this is a fine enough, ABS is quite good, no markings.
On the performance side, using different gases allows you to modify the power of the replica. The T-N.T. barrel and hop-up rubber allows such impressive range and accuracy even with a low muzzle power. 55 meters / 180 feet with only 275 fps (0.20g).
This replica is an excellent choice for experienced and beginning players who wants to outperform every GBB and some long replicas.


The review in video (EN):


View on Oioiairsoft blog:



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