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motor not turning gears

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so my gun is a krytac crb, all stock, had a problem where the gun wasn't firing so i stripped it down and found a loose wire, soldered and fixed

tested the wiring and motor turns, seemed okay, but when i put the motor into the gearbox i get nothing

opened up gears all seem to turn fine but when its back together the motor doesnt turn

any ideas what could cause this? dud motor or possible gear jam?

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No broken teeth... (I over shimmed my G36 and ate my bevel gear) 


can you move the gears freely by hand when the gearbox is assembled? If not, then it sounds like it’s overshimmed (maybe?).  


If you can, then the motor may have just died. Electrical motors do that sometimes. A starter motor in a car will still spin sometimes when out of the car, but when it engages the flywheel it just won’t have the oomph to turn the motor. 



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