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New from the West Midlands!

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Hey all! \o


I'm Izzy, or Isinfier, or, or Joe, whatever takes your fancy. I'm 24, a Digital Marketing Assistant and I'm from the Cotswolds originally, but I'm now suffering in Worcester.


I've been mulling taking up airsoft as a hobby for a few years now, and as such I've been milling around on Reddit and other sites chatting with existing airsofters, soaking up information and occasionally telling people that a potato cannon is a far better investment than a CYMA AK. Let's face it, they'll be calling their hits one way or another if they get hit by a potato travelling at a few hundred feet per second.


I managed to get my first game in back in September at High Command in the West Midlands and had an absolute blast. Since then I've started putting together some kit so I don't have to rent as much (and there's more coherency to my clothing than a hoodie + a pair of UCP-camo trousers), doing some more research on potential loadouts for the future and occasionally staring at the same RIF for hours on end, annoyed that I haven't had a chance to sort my UKARA out yet.


So yeah, that's pretty much me. Happy to be hear! \o



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