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Battlegroup 19, The biggest milsim in Finland

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Biggest finnish airsoft event, Battlegroup 19, will be held in Padasjoki, Finland 14.-18.8.2019

The duration of the event is from Thursday to Sunday. More detailed information about the game area, the factions and the story will be published later in main site but before that you can check our teaser site: http://tstos19.ehasa.org/teaser/?lang=en

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Now is the time to vote for the best games, shops, blogs shops and manufacturers etc. of 2018, shops, arms manufacturers. Don't forget to vote our TSTOS18/Battlegroup 18 event for the best +500 participants event of 2018!

Every vote is needed, because a multi-time winner is a bigger event than we are, and still winning was almost close. Rumor has it that the Finns present in Borderwar have hinted that the winning title belongs to us, so let's show that there is strength to vote here too!

You should vote anyway because Popular Airsoft is sharing prizes among those who have responded to the vote. Link for the prizes and the vote:

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Websites are now open in https://tstos19.ehasa.org

The registration will open 15.2.2019 5pm (GMT+2) in https://tstos19.kuulaportti.fi


Battlegroup 2019 is a four days long airsoft event combining milsim and larp elements. The event will be held in Padasjoki in the areas of the Finnish defence forces, the municipality of Padasjoki and the city of Hämeenlinna. Combined, the event area offers much larger size and more extensive road network than last year. Also the combined area enables the use of various vehicles such as armored, wheeled and boats.


Also Ehasa has long history of collecting feedback and statistics from players. We have a website for these surveys now. You can answer our Battlegroup 19 player inquiry and apply for Reconnaissance platoon and Information and Resereach Platoon here: https://survey.ehasa.org

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