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Well R4 MP7 - locking up

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I am very new to airsoft in fact booked on my first game this weekend. As i have played paintball before and was fairly certain i would enjoy airsoft. I decided to spend some money and get my first gun. I purchased a well r4 mp7 as a CQB primary and skirmish secondary. Yet once the gun arrived and i fully charged the battery, the gun only seems to fire a handful of shots before just locking up. Removing and reinserting the battery will solve this issue for another few shots. Clearly i cant be doing that during a game. Does anyone have any idea what the issue maybe? 


I have contacted the retailer i got it from already to see if they can help. As i am just starting a business and as i am self employed i don''t have a lot of money to spend getting this fixed or getting a replacement. As the gun was two toned for me i doubt i will get a replacement or refund from the original seller. 

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The two tone shouldn't change how the store gives out warranties so do talk to them if you have major concerns.

Couple things, 


Does the gun happen to only lock on semi? - if yes, try a pull of full auto (this does not mean hold down the trigger, 1 tap is sufficient).

If the above is the cause and solution, try to not spam semi as fast as you are likely letting go of the trigger and disconnecting the battery to quick mid cycle, in which it can lock in this state.


Can you hear a clicking from the motor when you pull the trigger? - This would mean that the battery is not strong enough for the motor to pull the spring however on a fairly cheap gun such as yours I'm sure most batteries would work fine.

Having to remove and insert the battery leads me to think this is the issue, does the gun sound like it is struggling at the end of its cycle?


Adding both these issues together and you get a gun that stops firing from spamming at the end of it's cycle (needs the most energy to overcome as the spring is fully compressed nearly) and a weak battery + motor and you will see that it just won't pull. Disconnecting the battery may not be the fix, but instead waiting 5 seconds 


If you have any friends in the sport, try a different battery to test it, possibly a stronger one if you can find one.



To any new player I would always say avoid getting a gun till after a couple games just in case.


I would also suggest to not always go for "the starter gun" as if you enjoy the sport, dumping £80 on a cheap gun that will be outranged and outgunned by most other players may not be as fun, a cheap £130 would be more fun but you could still want more but think "hey down the line".

Personally, I spent £300 on my first gun (yes a lot for a first) but it was my only weapon for 3 years as it was so good out of the box, did a couple cheap budget upgrades and I still love it to this day (6 years next month), where as my brother got a £120 gun, and moved up to a £250 gun and has recently bought a better £400 gun (came with upgrades).


TL;DR buy right, buy once.


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 After giving the gun to a friend has done a few airsoft upgrades, i have discovered that the issue is due to the battery housing not holding the battery in place correctly. so that when the gun is  moved it becomes disconnected. This has been solved with some heat shrink wrap attached to rear of the housing to hold the battery in place. I will take this as a lesson in cheap Chinese constructed guns and look at getting a "pro" gun in the future.  

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7 minutes ago, Dynamo said:

 After giving the gun to a friend has done a few airsoft upgrades, i have discovered that the issue is due to the battery housing not holding the battery in place correctly. so that when the gun is  moved it becomes disconnected. This has been solved with some heat shrink wrap attached to rear of the housing to hold the battery in place. I will take this as a lesson in cheap Chinese constructed guns and look at getting a "pro" gun in the future.  

Phew! Nothing better than to know all your worries is somehting so minor! :)

Don't be disheartened though my friend! - I have used plenty of cheaper guns (even a fully pink one I got for £100) and if you play right you can always outgun the enemy :P

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