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SRC G36 gen. III series?

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So I've been looking at these for a while now, but can't seem to get any valid info on them on the web. Noticed that most of the stores that have (or have had) them in stock are located in the UK (I live in central Europe). So any one of you lads who has actually handled one? How are they?

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20 minutes ago, TheLightbulb said:

So I've been looking at these for a while now, but can't seem to get any valid info on them on the web. Noticed that most of the stores that have (or have had) them in stock are located in the UK (I live in central Europe). So any one of you lads who has actually handled one? How are they?


Never tried them and never like how they look but... I could get the GEN2 in orange for a discounted price... that’s all haha

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