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totally new to airsofts

tattoo ron
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hi all, totally new to airsoft, airgunner,and deact collector.

a client came into my shop ,(tattooists) and started talking about it as he had a mag to read, and later he bought in his m&p 15 psx with a red dot sight, and i was hooked there and then..

so me and business partner are going soon with him to a place in maidstone,to ave a day out.


so now, after guns, so ill be browsing the sale adds asap.


rgds ron.

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Welcome to the forums :)


Hope to see you about in other areas too, not just the classifieds :P


will do, when i get into something,i go full on, and forum involvement is part of the package. been browsing shop sites and skirmish sites, i just know im gonna end up with a huge collection,as soo many rifles and smgs i like..

gonna pop down to wolfs in camden tomorrow,as i dont work mondays..have a browse etc..

as far as i can see its nearest to me,..hertfordshire..

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