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Mystery Ebay motors...

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Does anyone know anything about these?




I'm trying to help someone out, but I could really do with knowing a little more about the motor. Looking at it, I'm wondering if the can colour and end bell suggest ZCI perhaps? If it's a no name rebrand of the 22TPA then that would be handy.

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15 minutes ago, Hangtight said:

Does anyone know anything about these?




I'm trying to help someone out, but I could really do with knowing a little more about the motor. Looking at it, I'm wondering if the can colour and end bell suggest ZCI perhaps? If it's a no name rebrand of the 22TPA then that would be handy.


Best pm the seller poisonapple on fleabay


A little while back they were flogging a similar motor but with gold motor spindle guide

which looked identical to a Big Dragon M160

which is a fast neodym motor - perhaps too fast imho...

Image result for big dragon m160 motor


Now the pic they are using looks exactly like a Big Dragon M120 motor

now the M120 is a ferrite motor - a clone of the G&P m120 which is quick-ish but ferrite

meaning it can get warm and/or not pull real loads as it is ferrite....


Image result for big dragon m120 motor


Now I'm not saying the motor you list is deffo a ferrite but it looks very similar

with the same colours and them bastid motor tabs on the can


So best contact seller or get a pic of the magnets if they are silver or not

Can't help much more but I now avoid the cheapo or brand X motors


DX or dx.com do a cheap motor but it f*cking insane probably 14tpa zap ya battery asap cook an egg on grip


£19 nutter motor but pinion is a bit mehhh, the motor is a bit smaller/shorter length

(in some guns you might have to really wind up the motor height but most are ok)

BUT f*ck me it will break ya box even on 7.4v

gotta be like 40k or 45k - mental - too f*cking mental imho


Still think SHS/RA high torque is best motor to recommend

if done well with 13:1's you don't need any more juice than 7.4v - cheaper and smaller batteries etc....


there are others - I got one of these but not tested it yet...


I got it for just over $20 with a $10 coupon and thought wtf

but not got it in a gun yet but a mix of zci torque & shs torque/balance at about 24k/25k

(guessing like a G&G blue but with neodym magnets inside)


stick with trusted motors I have found

also SHS are easier to open & redo as they not got then bastid tabs you risk cutting your hand up trying to open can

(G&G grey motors are like SHS so can open them up without spearing your fingers (use a vice - Iknow))


poxy motors - if they fitted better motors to begin with then we wouldn't have this motor upgrade issue then

(bahhhh humbug)

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The Big Dragon M160 & M140 motors have neodym magnets

M160 is a bit of a quick motor (faster than SHS HT more like a speed motor)

M140 is a slower torquey motor with neodym but really slow (needs 11.1v to get any snap)

M120 is a ferrite for a few quid less and not worth the money imho


so pm the guy/seller for more info or get a pic of magnets inside

(I have bought one in the past and just ripped it to bits looking inside, wouldn't buy another)

same price as a SHS/RA - think I'd play safe with one from Pete AK2M4


Sorry - can't confirm for sure but gave what info I know about similar looking Big Dragons

The M160 gets really warm and often the bearings get so hot they crap out - had two M160's do that on 7.4v

So I no longer will be buying M160's too quick/warm/amps etc....


Same as the ultra cheap ultra hot n crazy dx.com red motors

don't blame me if anybody breaks their box with that £20 motor


Oh yeah them dx.com motors - most of them have the polarity marked incorrectly

the red terminal is actually the negative

(if you try to place them up against say SHS, NtoS they will repel side by side)

Just letting you know to double check these red dx.com polarity motors first

(think they might be for other uses than just airsoft perhaps with different rotation)

Ahh who knows - bit a weird cheap but mental motor that I still think a SHS HT is better

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Personally I stick with motors I know! But I'm trying to help out a kid who's tried to build something without really knowing enough about the parts, and see what can be salvaged. He's trying to build a 450fps semi auto gun, but if that motor is an unbranded G&P M120 then it's going to struggle. At the moment it's managed to pull an M170 spring with 32:1 gears on 9.6v. Credit to the Specna Arms gearbox it's in that the bearings didn't crap out or the shell fly apart!

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12 minutes ago, Hangtight said:

Personally I stick with motors I know! But I'm trying to help out a kid who's tried to build something without really knowing enough about the parts, and see what can be salvaged. He's trying to build a 450fps semi auto gun, but if that motor is an unbranded G&P M120 then it's going to struggle. At the moment it's managed to pull an M170 spring with 32:1 gears on 9.6v. Credit to the Specna Arms gearbox it's in that the bearings didn't crap out or the shell fly apart!


32:1 gears - f*ck that, bet he bought that set too

I'd have sent him an old FireHawk 22 or 23:1 set of gears (8 tooth bevel) for free

that would have been better/snappier than sluggish qwirky 32:1 set


He should only need a m140/150 spring tops if he got it sealed up nicely to hit 450fps on 0.20's

(if he has a decent barrel, unless he is trying for 450fps on heavier bb's)

m170 spring should place the fps at like 550 (328 x 1.7 or 170%)


Think he has got a bit of an airleak if he really is using a m170 or he has it in a mp5k gun or something

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The  600mm barrel with the cylinder ported for an SMG didn't help...

Suggested he get A Guarder SP 130 and we'll go from there.

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10 minutes ago, Hangtight said:

The  600mm barrel with the cylinder ported for an SMG didn't help...

Suggested he get A Guarder SP 130 and we'll go from there.


Did he use the instructions on the back of a Cybergun gearbox repair kit ???

on the back helping you to tech like a pro they failed to notice fitting the cylinder ar$e about face.....


Image result for airsoft gearbox repair kit af-uk



No wonder why my first few gearboxes never worked out too well following pro tips like this

(yes these are the instructions on the back of this repair kit)


Image result for cybergun airsoft gearbox repair


Yes kids even YOU can tech like a real pro with this JambWow kit:


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Full cylinder - 455 to 510mm max barrel

he won't get the volume in a std box for anything longer

(unless he has a v2.5)


besides he will need decent bb weight for distance n stuff


poor chap - think we all thought longer barrels are a must

but this guy is taking the pi$$ even by my standards....


Image result for joker pistol jack nicholson


99.999% sure it is a ferrite m120 motor:



bloody hell that is a long link, but zoom in on first pic or two and magnets seem black/ferrite

yes Krytac use black neodym magnets they say that appear to be weaker ferrite but are neodym


Think seller painted out the label on it

slightly strange coz I have bought some bits from poison and they were alright

if motor is ferrite then your friend was mugged a bit - should have gone RA from Pete

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