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Newb to the forum and scene

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Good evening all. Newb here to the site and the scene. Been shooting some practical airsoft down at "The Tunnel" shooting range in charmouth.  Really enjoying it and also interested in the skirmishes etc. Live in Plymouth but work Yeovil midweek. Hope to maybe take part sooner or later ✌

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Welcome :).  The sooner you start playing the better; you do not want to regret all that wasted time and missed skirmishes by not just starting. Have a read of all the pinned (sticky) posts in each section, they will help.

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  On 20/07/2017 at 20:24, Le_flip_flop said:

Good evening all. Newb here to the site and the scene. Been shooting some practical airsoft down at "The Tunnel" shooting range in charmouth.  Really enjoying it and also interested in the skirmishes etc. Live in Plymouth but work Yeovil midweek. Hope to maybe take part sooner or later ✌




Another newbie down here in Plymouth.  There is a few of us that drive up to Bristol airsoft for some CQB on Sundays.

We will also be doing some driving to other sites towards in Cornwall and Hampshire too (in the next few months too)

I can update you when and where our next adventure will be! - Really waiting for South West Wargames to start up again!



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