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(Friday 28th - Sunday 30th July 2017) Diamond Wars Airsoft Weekender at NPF Bassetts Pole, Birmingham

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Fireball Squadron Airsoft Club was established in 1998, Fireball is based at NPF Bassetts Pole (yes we are primarily a Paintball site, but don't let that turn you off!). This year NPF Bassetts Pole are celebrating our 30th Birthday at our annual "Paintfest" festival in July - Paintfest is the UK's biggest Paintball festival and this year, for the first time, Fireball Squadron will be running an Airsoft Weekender alongside the Paintball event.

This will be a huge weekend of Airsoft alongside a mixed Paintball/Airsoft trade expo, with JD Airsoft already lined up to cater to the Airsoft player, as well as Enola Gaye Pyrotechnics and much more! Camping and entertainment is also included in your ticket price.

Friday 28th July: Arrival and Set-up, regular and CQB games on NPF game areas, exclusive evening game, trade expo, Paintfest Pub licensed bar PLUS open air movie night from 10pm - midnight!

You can visit our Youtube channel for areas that may be in play on the Friday, for example a video of one of our woodland fields is below. We do also have our CQB Embassy Killhouse that will be used.

Saturday 29th July : The big game: Diamond Wars supported by the trade expo.

The evening will play host to the awesome Paintfest party, now legendary within the Paintball community.
Party includes: Full stage/PA, Dancers, Disco, Miss Paintfest Contest, Commanders Rally, DJ set and much more still to be announced. What's more ALL drinks at the player's party are included in your ticket price (and non-playing weekend passes)

Sunday 30th July: The big game : Part 2 - Diamond Wars supported by the trade expo,
Scores and Awards!

Ticket prices are currently £85 for the whole weekend with non-playing weekend passes (access to camping, trade expo, pub, movie-night and player's party) currently £40. All ticket prices will increase by £5 on July 1st 2017


Watch the video below for all the highlights from last year's event, it may have been Paintball only but should give you some idea as to the scale and quality of the festival and the history behind it!


For more info please call 0121 323 1000, email [email protected] or [email protected]

Please visit our Paintfest Facebook page in order to keep up-to-date with the latest schedule releases and more:

Tickets are available to book online at http://www.npfbassettspole.com/paintfest-tickets/

You will need to select your team at the time of booking. Either the HMC - Hoffmann Minex Corporation (Red Team) led by Jimbo Loveulongtime (Jamie Watts) and his trusty No2 Lou Jacobs (John Whitaker) or the USDE - United States Diamond Exports (Blue Team) led by Philamental Bucknalle (Phil Bucknall) aided in no small way by his trusty No2 Bello Nock

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