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Ares L85a2 suppressor ?

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Hi there I recently got a l85a2 and I've started to mod it. So far I've got the rails sorted as a friend had a spare rail from his. I had to mod the gun a little to fit the rail on but it fits perfect now. Now I'm wanting to add a suppressor to the mix ,makes it look a little better (in my opinion). The flash hinder doesn't come off due to it being fused or something to the barrel that is unscrewed on the front sight. Are there any threaded barrel extensions on the market that would fit and then be able to have a suppressor added onto the end? I'm fairly new at this which is why I'm needing a little help. And there doesn't seem to be much about this topic but I've seen custom l85's with supressors but I'm not sure how they do it.


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