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S.C.A.R - News, Reviews & Competitions

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Hi Guys,


Thanks for reading, I recently started a YouTube channel, blog & Facebook group.


It only has one video on at the moment but more content will be uploaded tonight, at the end of this month i will be running a competition to win a free Airsoft Scope so keep your eyes peeled on the various pages.


For anyone local to Accrington we welcome any players to come with us, Events are up on the Facebook group.


Thanks for reading!


Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/groups/621773754666717/


YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiLkCplHGxAWn9_Dd-xBM0w


Blog : http://airsoftscar.blogspot.co.uk/


Any questions or ideas on how to make any of the pages better please drop me a message





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