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Grand Opening at Battlegroung Airsoft on Sunday 27 March

The Luggage

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On Sunday 27 March we have our 'Grand Opening'

We are a family run company with many years experience both playing and working in the Airsoft industry.

We are based at Necton Norfolk.

Battleground Airsoft
Lower Rd, IP257EB Necton, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Our packages are as follows:

£20 Walkon only fee

£30 Walkon and weapon rental only*

£40 Walkon and full kit and weapon rental*

(*Rental packages include 3000 BB's)

The gates open at 08.30

Our games are a mixtue of long based missions and CQB

Please check our facebook event for more details: https://www.facebook.com/events/1012515672147718/


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