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we scar fps issue


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I have just upgraded my we scar to fire around 330 fps from the out the box 260 I have installed a madbull 6.03 tight bore barrel a g&g hop up rubber and a madbull 110 spring. Iterated my riffle after this and it was fireing at 340fps. So I took it to my skirmish site at weekend and was obviously expecting a fps drop through the day as it beaded in. Tested it halfway through the bay and my for had dropped down to 290. What could be wrong? Is it a better air seal need? Since then I have wrapped the hop up rubber and chamber with ptfe tape but haven't tested this as of yet.


Any thing else I can attempt to get my fps back up?

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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