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Newbie checking in.


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Just a "first post" thing to say hello before I go over to the technical forum to start picking brains.


I am an absolute Airsoft Virgin, though no spring chicken. (I'm 48 is it wrong to start so late??!!) But I have been a firearms enthusiast most of my life and an air rifle shooter.


My initial thing was to buy an airsoft gun so that I could pop targets in my garden but still fire something realistic. HOWEVER, the more I see and read about skirmishing, I might just give it a shot........





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Welcome in Skeeter - there is no upper age limit to an airsofter, and it's more satisfying and rewarding as a community than paintball, so hope you find the answers you need, and the biggest thing when on site is don't be afraid to go up and talk to people - I've never met an airsoft enthusiast who wasn't prepared to share an option or justification as to why they chose what kit, or honest feedback on where to buy or play.


Have fun, always wind on your mag, lube your barrel, and always always always wear your eye protection


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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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