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South Coast CQB - Events coming soon in June

Wheeled Wonder

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Our next South Coast CQB events are Open Days on Sunday 15th June & Sunday 29th June at Browndown Camp. The price for the day is £35 including a great lunch, free tea/coffee and spring water all day as well. Founder members will receive a £5 discount on their fee. Gates open at 8am… Chronos available from then,


Registration at 9am and safety and game briefing at 9.30am sharp! Rental packages are available at £22 and include a high quality AEG, 3000 BB's and a full face mask.


To book simply email your name and contact number to [email protected]... book early to avoid disappointment. Visit our Facebook page for more details..https://www.facebook.com/SouthCoastCQB



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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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