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Custom 7-barreled Nock Volley Gun

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Being a keen lover of the book and TV series of Sharpe, I have a fascination for Patrick Harper's weapon of choice:the seven-barreled Nock Gun. The weapon is actually real,but was deemed ineffective by the navy in the late 1700s. For those who are not familiar with the Nock Gun,it is a flintlock carbine long weapon with seven barrels in a hexagonal configuration, that all fired a .50 cal lead pistol ball simultaneously. Google "Nock Gun" to get an idea. I,cutting to the chase,want to make an airsoft version. I have an idea of how to do it; but please give me your ideas on how to construct it.



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I was thinking of either 7 gas powered shotgun shells permanently fixed into heavy steel pipe, welded together and on a semi break action latch to fill from the back, but still muzzle load for that sense of authenticity. The stock would be full wood;I would like advice on triggering seven shells at once.

The other option was a Nock Gun themed 40mm grenade launcher,again permanently fixed and muzzle loading+semi break action.

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