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HERA/AABB Glock carbine?

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A glock 18c i could see being dead effective, but isnt that what a pistol is for? to used when your primary runs out of ammo?


They do look stunning but i'd still prefer to have my main weapon not being a converted pistol.


bit off topic sorry :)

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Matt, hell no buddy, im green here, so any views i see as good for me buddy. Ive just ordered a TT 18C, and was thinking of the AABB carbine, with a bundle of added goodies, id have to TT it though, im thinking im in grey area there though no? As long as i was to TT it, before i built it, i could then take that to a game yes? My 18 C is TT, but obviously id be covering that up, so id have to make it fully legal myself, is my way of thinking?


Just got the hots for CQB games i guess, and the proving grounds site is very close to me.



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its put you in a good situation, you could use the kit in game and cover up the 2 tone, however once the day is over you would need to take the kit off so the gun was 2 tone.

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