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ASG Steyr AUG A3

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Hi guys, Yep I'm at that difficult stage of choosing my first gun. Where you keep leaping from one gun to the next as to what you want to get. You think you've finally decided, then BAM - another weapon catches your eye!


So anyway, after a skirmishing and looking at other guns I'm liking the look of the ASG Steyr AUG A3. It's a bull pup (which I tend to like the look of), has rails, soft pull trigger and isn't an M4, AK or G36.


I was wondering is if any one had/has one and would recommend or indeed not recommend one?



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there was one out yesterday at a skirmish i attended, and whilst nice, it has the problem that augs seem to misfeed. also from having my own aug a1, parts are not the easiest to find especially thanks to the differences in hte trigger mechanism(2 stage). but still they are lovely guns and feel so comfortable to me, and the length of the barrel.... drool, tis the length of my tommy bar the stock....

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nope ive the jg aug a1, aka the military version that has the scope built in(bought it cheap to much around with internals) im sure if i could fix mine and have it working properly i might well be very happy with this gun, comfortable easy use etc. but whatever the slight problem with the magwel is irritating...

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