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(second attempt at posting, first attempt lost in the warp, gah) right so shorter than my original post which went into all the parts i was thinking about replacing im working on a cheap second hand jg auga1(military version) externally theres bits missing(some i can find on internet, others i cant...) internally i need to replace trigger contacts and fix them, most of the rest can be something done but no point til i have it working properly. its now shooting properly anyway when the triggers work so thats a start... anyway this is where ill be bogging my continuing augmenting of my aug where i learn about its guts so i can play about properly with my future guns with out having to pay someone else to do it...

and yea its needs another respray but here she is....



psi cant fnd trigger contacts anywhere nevermind the aug styled ones, anyone know where i can order them(preferably somewhere i can order other aug parts too...

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so today i decided to take appart the single fire section of the gear box(the last part of the gearbox id left to disemble and sdiscovered that that one of those contacts had also burned a hole in it, explaining why it sometimes partially fired.... so i got ou tthe soldering iron and did a tempoary job on that til i can find more contacts and filed it down. rebuilt the gearbox and just as i finished the cable attached to it broke off... just as well i hadnt put the soldering iron away... and voila single fire is working again... 2 steps forward 1 step back...

also took the cocking handle and striped it of all paint broke it open sanded it all, undercoated and then painted. hopefully this time it dries properly... (did the butt plate yesterday and seems to have came out exactly as i wanted..... not looking forward to doing the body....

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anyone know is it possible to actually buy just the trigger contacts anywhere or do you have to buy the whole switch section?

and todays facepalm, as trying to get the semi finction to work properly(as thats more important that full auto tbh) when after i had filed it down and cameup with an idea to make it stronger i snapped it at a point that i dont think i can solder it together... so if anyone can confirm that this will do the job i might just order it and replace the unit and be done with it... http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/ultimate-switch-ver3-gearbox-16634

wishing i had done more metal working stuff at school and less science and math etc... wasted education....

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Switch ordered as well.as the rear swivle hook too. And grease. Meanwhile painting again...think iv found the paint I want...

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well parts arrived. sling hook fitted no problems though i want to reinforce it as is only held on with one of them split washer things... as for the switch. main bosy fits perfectly. solderings a pain, keeps comming off( and the metal is touching the body so its all electrified) so i had it all set up and put back together went to test fire and... nothing... take it appart lookk at the switch.... the trolly is too short?so i swap the trolly with the old one(like 5mm difference, something to watch for if you are doing this/similar) and it works. just have to resolder the cabels on better and insulate it from electrifying the whole body...

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Hi, interested in this, as I've been messing about with an AUG ( classic army sportline) trying to get it to feed properly. got it sussed now, movement between upper and lower receivers causing the hop up to mis-align with the feed nozzle. Still working on a method to hold them both secure while running about like a madman in a skirmish ( problem stems from right hand holding lower while the left hand holds the upper receiver )Don't know if yours is the same as the CA and has a small half moon shaped piece on the front end of the lower receiver which locates into the upper. I extended this by about 4mm ( epoxy resin) as it only came out about 1 or 2mm which with the movement allowed it to dislodge while you run about. Still working on a method to firmly hold the upper hard back against the lower receiver. Know what your going through with the soldering it's a dark art. I'm slowly improving, slowly!!!

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hmm, can you supply pics? i briefly had a problem with feed when i hadnt screwed in the plate between the battery compartment and the internals (lesson learned there too lol.) though there still seems to be the odd one(like one per mag change) that gets into the gun then bounces around till i take the barrel off(luckily thats soo easy) yea solderings a pain, just discovered that now the wire is quite short as i go to reattach the second trigger system... its gonna be tight... given the experience the gun has paid for itself n experience already and whilst its definately an up hill struggle its definately worth it(fixing the gun from scratch with no experience.) im getting a better understanding of what parts i want to upgrade and ignore etc. and the aug is a great model to do this with as its easy to take appart, whilst being aged. as i havent gotten this to chrono yet what fps is yours sitting at? and what differences have any alterations youve done made(if youve done any) and i now know who to ask should it start miss feeding again, lol!

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I'll try and get some pic's to show you the mod I done to the AUG so far, I get the odd bb rattling around the inside as well, annoying I know but I don't think there is anything that can be done about that due to the way the gun is constructed , several small openings within the mag well ( that might be my next job once I'm happy with both receivers being secure). This was my sons first gun, so after he got his SCAR this became my project to learn the finer art of gun maintenance :)

It started given problems after it's first skirmish, as I said the receivers are not held together strong enough to withstand running around like a madman in the woods due to the fact that one hand holds the lower and the other holds the upper causing jolts and stress between the receivers. At first I blamed the hop up, so that got changed for a G&P metal one, while I was at it I stuck in a 6.03 tight bore. After that I got the Stainless Steel BB feed nozzle ( airsoft world) apparently the plastic feed nozzle can wear out. Then I blamed the mags so ended up with a TM high cap which I like, sit's more secure in the mag well. After all that I noticed by chance that if the gun was held very firmly against your shoulder it fired fine but if not it would miss fire. I've not had it cronoed yet but feel it's better that the stock ( nice solid whack off the target now).

A tip I found while trawling the net if you glue ( gearbox side ) a small thin-ish piece of foam behind the plate in the battery compartment this holds the gearbox firmly and stops it moving backwards.

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Will try that if I get it workingrite. Got it reasemblwd today. Gear box worked fine till I put it in the gun, but when I had installed it only fired once then did nothing.... So back to the drawingboard. Ive a suspicion ill never skirmish this gun...

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  • 4 weeks later...

well i was at it again. took the gear box apart several times(trigger wouldn't stay put then the anti-reversal then both etc...) finally got everything greased and in the right spot and working perfect for the first time. stick it in the gun test fire and nothing... take it apart and back out to discover the soldering had given way again. irratated to say the least.

on the bright side pistol mag is back from the shop(was leaking) and now with the really stupidly placed hop adjusted is working better than ever(seriously you have to completely dismantle a berretta to get at the hop part... still room for adjustment...) looks the part now with its new grip covers too. must get some pictures up...

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  • 1 month later...

never did get piccys of the berretta, must fix that.... anyhow got some heat shrink to help connect the new trigger and it worked. electrics are working fine. just now the trigger seems to be jamming every so often(should have goten something with a simpler trigger mech...) also want to put new bearings in as the plastic ones currently instaled look quite worn(plastic ones when theres metal gears, sense?)

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