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ARES G36 External "Upgrade" Parts

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I currently have an ARES G36 (the AR-004, long, EBB version) for sale because I'm interested in purchasing a slightly more CQB friendly AEG. However, I don't really want to sell it and I think I'm unlikely to get as much for it as I'd like (I've, unfortunately, come to terms that second hand guns typically do not keep their value very well).


So, as an alternative solution, I was wondering if anyone could point towards parts that I could install on my G36 to reduce its length. Now I am, of course, aware that I could simply purchase the ARES G36C parts but I was hoping to go for a slightly more "unique" or perhaps "customised" look and was wondering if there were any third party products that are suitable for the ARES G36 (or even if a little modification is required). Whenever I Google it I struggle to find any products at all.


Hoping people here are aware of such products! ... :)


Many thanks!


P.S. For anyone who may be interested, this is my classified thread ... http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/15750-ares-g36-carry-handle-wscope-red-dot-bi-pod-5x-midcaps-4x-highcaps-soft-carry-bag/?hl=%2Bares+%2Bg36+%2Bgearbox#entry102829 ... ;)

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here are the parts

use the codes to search and ask shops

Hi Adam. Thanks for your message. As I stated, in the opening post, I was aware of the ARES parts that are available but was wondering if anyone knows of any third party products, that were compatible (or could be easily modified to be compatible, the key word being easily) with the ARES G36 models.

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other handguards will fit but other barrels will not unless it is one of the older variant with the threaded barrel base.

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