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New SRC M4

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Name's jake, just bought my first rifle, and SRC 2nd gen M4, I was wondering if 14mm silencers can be used to thread onto the barrel, however, kit seems that only an adapter would enable me to do this? Any advice? Oh, and an ACOG scope to be mounted on the top rail, simple as unscrew and screw on?


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For acog's and any other RIS sight it's pretty much a screw on job. Never owned an M4 but I think you need to unscrew the flash hider to get to the 14mm thread. Hope this helps you :)

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For acog's and any other RIS sight it's pretty much a screw on job. Never owned an M4 but I think you need to unscrew the flash hider to get to the 14mm thread. Hope this helps you :)

Cheers for that, I'll bear it in mind when they're delivered :)

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Yes flash hider needs to be unscrewed anti clock wise, its a 14mm cow thread on SRC have one myself, only problem I had was fitting a different handguard magpul one I had was too long by 1cm.

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