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Cheap! but are they any good?

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The vest itself is in the style in the South African Defense Fore M83 vest. As you can see by the watermark this one is made by Mil-Tec, so its never going to be operational quality but likely to be a similar level of viper, maybe slight better.


As for the vest I had one years ago and they're quite comfortable with an alright design etc. If you're just starting out on a tight budget I'm sure it'll do fine, but you'll probably want to upgrade fairly quickly

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defo agree with nickona, Me personally i have never liked the vest but the people that i know have had them have never said any thing bad, comfortable, and functional.


the manufacturer is good and is on par with viper i like the company and have sold a lot of their items over the years and only had one problem with one item.


good item good place to start but you will find you will want to upgrade soon as the design is quite old school and now in my personal belief molle or even PLCE webbing set are what i would go for as you can have a good old play around with pouches and postitions.

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