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TANAKA WORKS 98K Air Cock version

Shooter man
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have plunged too much $$$ in to Tanaka... It does look nice though.... I had a laugh when I got a Dboys KAR for a mate. He wanted air cocking and shell eject...

Grabbed a bargain... Within minutes of getting it he stripped it totally down....

This was the phone call.


"Hi... cheers for the KAR, really appreciate it"

"No probs, saved few beer tokens, how is it, I didnt get to shoot it"

"Its better than I thought it would be, with a bit of wood dye it will look great"

"Have you chronoed it yet..."

"No but i stripped it down"

"Oh!!!!!!!, have yo broke anything"

"No.... I just stripped it down....."

"OK... so whats your verdict..."


"Why is the Barrel machined in 2 pieces, there is a join half way up"????????

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