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M16 Mis Feed

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I have a G&G M16A4


When firing the gun on full auto the first few BB's come out ok, but then the gun starts missing every other BB.


I have had the gearbox apart and checked that the tappet plate is ok and it is, and there are no other problems in the gear box


My girlfriends dad had a chat with FireSupport about it and they said i needed to put something on the sector gear


They said to get one of these:




Does anybody know if this will cure my problem, or does anyone else have any other ideas.


Cheers for your help in advance guys!

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Looks like it's going to hook onto the notch on the gear to pull the tappet plate back more.


Out of curiosity, have you checked the hop unit and the magazines?

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Yeah have tried my hi caps on another gun and they fed absolutely fine


I also turned the hop right of and tried using a mid cap, but still had the same problem

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Just a though but check to make sure that the spring that sits on the outside top of the hop unit is in place. I had problems with my G&G CM16 mis-feeding after I put a new tightbore barrel on it. Turned out the spring, which pushes the hop back onto the gearbox, had dropped off when I put it back but hadn't noticed, so the hop unit was sat at slightly the wrong angle to accept the feed tube from the mag. A new spring sorted it and now it fires fine.


As regards the delayer chip, I'm not sure but I thought my G&G had one fitted already in the factory.

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I don't think it will be spring as its missing every other bb all the time, its not a intermittent fault it happens all the time and always misses every other.

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