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tm famas

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Brought this a few years ago and was working fine when I tested it plinging then it wouldnt shoot an i figured it was the battery on a low charge and just left it, i've charged the battery its a 7.2v NIMH 3300mAH on a 200 ma charger for 22 hours put it in and its not working on semi and fully makes like a slight grinding sound


so not sure if its the battery not charged?

not powerful enough ? as it came with a 8.4v battery

buggered gearbox

or god knows what else


any info on this would help greatly :)

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yh thats what i was thinking but it hasnt been messed about with and as far as i know hasnt took any knocks, i gave the battery another 5-6 hours charge and fully auto is working but semi gives a heavy grind my logic is pointing to give it another few hours and semi will start working but am afraid of killing the battery >.< how much is too much on a 7.2v 3300mah battery on a 200ma charger? upto now its had a total of 36 and a half hours its not getting overly hot should i get it of charge now? it was completely dead when i put it on charge.


Grinding noise suggested the gearbox is buggered in some way or the motor is adjusted at the wrong height. I'm not techy though :P
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Okay, for any battery, get a smart charger that cuts off upon full charge.

You'd want to stick to the 8.4 probably, that's kind of the lowest you'll want to go.


Take the motor out, pull the trigger with the battery connected, is it spinning the motor?

Then see if you can spin the gears in the gearbox, if they can freely spin you may have to adjust the motor height, if not, you may have a gearbox jam.


May also want to check the selector plate/trigger contacts if it's not firing on semi, but good luck finding Famas spare parts..

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