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Lets talk motors!

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Motors is one of the grey areas I still have with guns. I have nailed my gun and made it perfect (still tempted to whack a M120/130 in and make it an aeg sniper) anyway. I wonder off.


The only problem with my gun is that it is loud. The motor is almost 2 years old, Magnetically it is almost gone (no pull to it) and sounds horrible. Still fires well but the sound has lost me some kills (Fired a burst at someone and the only reason they said they moved is because they heard my canon screaming at them.


So. what motors can you recommend for a standard M4. Speed I really don't care about, KWA gearbox and some of the stuff I have seen done to them is amazing.


Thanks in advance.


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If it's that loud, are you sure you have the motor pinion height set properly? Mine only seem to scream if I've got them set too deep or too shallow. Other than that, try any of the better known brands (G&G, G&P, TM, etc) if you need a decent new one.

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