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CM 030 electric glock wont fire

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I recently bought a CM 030 electric glock and it worked fine at first, about 2 days ago i put the battery in and it suddenly didnt work, when i came to pull the battery out it was very hot so i left it for a while to cool down and thought id try it again and it did the same thing. After this i thought the battery might be empty so i charged it up and still the gun did not fire. If anyone could help with this it would be greatly aprieciated.

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If the battery is becoming too hot then there is to much internal resistance in the battery which is something you can't fix. Try different batteries unless they are specific batteries to use then return them. Although just be aware that batteries get naturally hot when they are used over an extended amount of time. If this is something which really doesn't seem right then just try new batteries.

sounds like the battery is short circuiting which could be a fault with the circuitry. You'll need to consult the supplier

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If the battery is becoming too hot then there is to much internal resistance in the battery which is something you can't fix. Try different batteries unless they are specific batteries to use then return them. Although just be aware that batteries get naturally hot when they are used over an extended amount of time. If this is something which really doesn't seem right then just try new batteries.

sounds like the battery is short circuiting which could be a fault with the circuitry. You'll need to consult the supplier

ok thanks i have contacted the supplier so got to wait for them to reply. thanks for helping

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If it's not a new one still under guarantee you could look at this if you feel confident enough to have a crack at it (not in English sadly)


dis-assembly guide here

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