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ARES SVD-S Compatibility Q's

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Just wanted to probe peoples' minds here.


I'm picking up one of the ARES SVD-S rifles next week, and I know it comes out the box pretty nice, but I'm looking towards upgrade potential.


Basically, I want to tune it so it's got shorter range, is 350fps and has pinpoint accuracy; I've heard that it's compatible with AtoZ parts like the A&K, and thus, also A&K parts, I've also heard it has an M249 hop.


Can someone please enlighten me? And if I'm right, where do I get parts for it?



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A&K are clones of King Arms (AtoZ)


The pistons will fit in the ares along with the sear which u have to drill a small hole underneath for the piston spring to sit in.


Hops are unique!

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