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M4 Mid Caps

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Hi guys,


I'm looking to buy some mid caps, about 100-140 round ones, but I can't be the only person who is struggling to find mid caps for sale in a UK shop?


I have a G&G Raider and was toying with the idea of buying a couple flash mags but decided I'd rather buy midcaps.


I've heard a lot of good stuff about MAG magazines but I cannot find a UK supplier that has them in stock.


I looked at the King Arms ones as they're 5 for £30 but I've read a lot about feeding issues and would rather not buy something that's gonna suck straight out the box.


I'm looking to pay no more than £8 per mag really.


Has anyone got any experience of where I can get some midcaps?


Failing this I'm just gonna get some flash mag lol


Thanks in advance

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King arms do need alot of breaking in, for MAG your best options are;








Its just a case of watching for when they go in and out of stock tbh


Flashmags are nice but personally i find nothing quite like running a vest full of midcaps :lol:

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I have 6 Mag midcaps and in my old KWA M4 they were perfect but in my new G&p they sometimes wont feed. Have just bought a G&P mid to see if feeds better but they are £15 each and i only paid £15 for all 6 of the Mag ones.


I just kept an eye on ALL the forums for some forsale. Got a bargin after a little wait.

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Good shout on patrolbase, I need some more mags soonish. I think using mids will give me better trigger control and i'll use full auto a hell of a lot less lol

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Good shout on patrolbase, I need some more mags soonish. I think using mids will give me better trigger control and i'll use full auto a hell of a lot less lol


Yeah i'm planning on buying a few more soon, PB always seem to have stuff in stock others don't its great


I was wondering if the "MAG" brand was any good


As far as budget brands go i'm pretty sure they're the best, the ones i've bought needed no breaking in and felt solid (Obviouslly they're plastic though) compared to my king arms and beta project which were nothing but fuss from day one.

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