Hello all,
So as some may know from a status I posted awhile back, I picked up a GoPro Hero 3. Prior today, I did not have the correct mounting equipment to mount it on my fast helmet.
So, now I've gotten it set up etc, I'd like some feedback on;
- The quality, I currently have it set to 720P 60FPS however it also can record at 1080p 30FPS.
- Height and angle of the camera, I currently cannot have the camera closer to my eyes because if I mount the camera upside down it is then too low, and skews my vision.
- and audio quality. At this moment in time I cannot help it. It may seem "quiet" but that's because the GoPro Case is crazy tough and is at least 1.5cm thick.
Any advice and feedback (good or bad) is welcome. I'd like to get it as pleasant to watch as possible before my next game.