Which one specifically? I did a search and it came up with quite a few - http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/advanced_search_result.php?x=0&y=0&keywords=cm16
I'm looking for:
- Good single shot speed (the g36 I rented on site took a long time from pulling the trigger to actually firing the shot. I tended to let go and try to fire again before the shot had actually happened and the gun kept getting jammed)
- One which will last a long time without breaking/faulting or becoming outdated as I don't really have the money to buy new guns regularly.
- Preferably something which less than 340 FPS as that was the restriction at the site I went to last time.
Speaking of FPS, a reviewer I watched said that the G36c was doing around 360FPS out of the box, which quite a bit higher than the 340- I'm looking for. Should I consider getting something else instead?