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Profile Information

  • Guns
    ASG (ARES) AW.338 L115A3 SPRING
    JG FM M4A1 carbine AEG
    WE .45cal Operator GBB
  • Loadouts
    British Sas - British PMC
  • Sites
    Airsoft Turkey
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Gun mechanics, Details, Principals, Construction

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  1. Hello guys, I Chrono'd it this sunday ; 400 FPS with .20 bbs, and 340-370 with .28bb's which i use... I got some good kills, its decent , tho when played in forest ambush scenarios, it jammed on me couple times, also the bolt crushing bb's, bb's hitting flash hider and getting stuck in it, obstructing barrel problems occured... I opened it up according to your guide and cleaned , maintenanced it with some silicone oil... seems you are right and it is a problem toy, nevertheless, ill keep using it as a perfect toy, a perfect L115, will keep u guys updated if anything occurs... and will ask for help also when modding, Till then, take care mates, and cheers
  2. Many thanks mate, will post after i get chrono / accuracy details , and after I start modding by your guide . till then, take care, cheers
  3. Thanks for the swift response mate, well now that i know i have to spend a lot more to get this baby a decent accuracy and range it seems... as I said, I'll chrono it this sunday, and ill post it here too clarify ASG's out of box specs; but still if its 400-415ish something that wont be satisfying, if i get a 450ish-475ish spring with a guide and a hop unit , barrel , it means that the sear and trigger will hold for a quite a bit right ? or am I too optimistic ? and also, if there is no possible mods or upgrades to the sear or trigger box, I wonder, did you opened up the trigger box ? is there anything that can be done to reinforce it ?
  4. And I've been to Guildford and London, but that doesnt change the fact that i frigging love england and its army, and army issue weapons especially L96 platform Also, im glad if you liked your trip, I like northern parts of turkey as well, rather than south parts, have you been to whole north deadsea shoreline ? Back to the topic btw
  5. Hello Ed, and followers of this topic... I am a fellow from Turkey. I recently bought a ASG .338 AW this monday, which is a rebrand of your Ares .338 spring, anyway, ill come to the point, ( its equiped with a 3-9x40 scope ) ( also bloody thanks on the info about tightening bolt/cocking indicator screws , i thought it got busted, you made me relieved a lot with that info and your disassembly info's ) i will play & chrono it this sunday , tho, with turkey currency it got to me about 1000 liras ( 370 pounds ) and i want it to last long, have good performance and durability... as much as i can say, i finished about 400 rounds , ( 200 .20bb, and 200 .28bb ) without any chambering problems ( after 50 rounds, remaining 20 in feeding tube doesnt chamber , same as yours, so i am just shooting 50 and reload after )and after reading your review, i got quite sad, I am a big fan of this L96-155 platform and, I want this to be my fav-main loadout ... Our airsoft regulations for spring sniper rifles is about 550 fps, min shooting distance for 25 meters and max for 100-120 meters ( im not good with imperial systems ) what would you advice me to do ? what i can think of is a new spring and a spring guide with new piston , a tight-bore barrel for accuracy and thats about it right ? would a stronger (1.6-1.8 joule ) spring blow my trigger away ? and since i am new to sniping, what does this Sear group does ? whats its importance, and would stock spring and sear get damaged as i play with it ? How much compatibility does this merchandise have with VSR group parts ? and how good it is straight out of box ? Thanks for your time and advices , in advance. cheers, Styrmir PS : This is my toy PPS: Forgot to add : 25m practice shoots after zeroing is about 5 shots to the 5cm diameter, didnt tried farther, but 10m grouping 5shots to 2cm as well.
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