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Dan's Ark

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Dan's Ark last won the day on August 24 2013

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  • Guns
    Classic Army M15A4 (Collapsible stock)
  • Loadouts
    None currently.........starting again!
  • Sites
    Gun Ho Airsoft, Guisborough (Now closed)
    NTAC, Durham
    Northern Alliance Airsoft, Dishforth
  • Gender
  • Location
    Middlesbrough, England
  • Interests
    Aviation, modern history, gaming.

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  1. The VFC HK417 has actually gotten more expensive since the last time I checked the price, fantastic.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. M_P


      The VFC 417 was never 250-300, it's always been over 350, started at £425ish when they first came out. You must be confused with another gun or it was on a sale (which is unlikely as the UK never has sales)

      Could wait for g&g to do a 7.62 version, you're right but them getting the H&K license to do so isn't realistically going to happen any time soon. Best option is to just buy the VFC or choose another rifle im afraid :/

      As said though, importing is likely...

    3. M_P


      to be a fair bit cheaper than buying from over here.

    4. TacMaster


      Ah well, I'd only given it a glance then and it was a while ago :)

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